Personalised online couples therapy and online psychotherapy for individuals
Personalised online couples therapy and online psychotherapy for individuals
I was born in south of France and I have lived in the UK for over 20 years.
I have a scientific background and first trained in biochemistry. I came to the UK to pursue a career in pharmaceutical research, and eventually established myself in the north west of England, near Manchester, where I have grown my roots.
In parallel to my scientific career, I retrained in psychology, starting from scratch, because it is a passion and because I like to do things well. After more than 10 years of studying, I qualified from the professional Doctorate in Counselling Psychology at the University of Manchester.
Kindness - compassion - care - genuine connection
I am a helper at heart, ‘an empath’, and being a psychotherapist feels like home. While, like anyone, I need to make a living, making as much money as I possibly can is not my goal. My passion is to connect with people at a deep level. This is what I value most in my work, and the foundation of my practice. Therapy is first and foremost a healing relationship. In my work with you, I will always keep the focus on you, but I will engage you in a genuine relationship. This is why I called my private practice Personal Psychology.
I have gained experience in multiple settings (including several NHS mental health services). I am highly skilled in helping adults of all ages with a broad range of mental health difficulties (including multiple forms of anxiety, stress, depression, low self-esteem, relationship crises, anger management, traumatic events, psychological abuse, and bereavement).
I have extensive experience of working in cancer care. I lead the delivery of psychological care at The Christie Private Care (within the Christie Hospital in Manchester). I am also a certified Imago therapist, trained to help couples in crisis restore their connection and start again.
I have trained in psychology at the highest academic level, and gained further training in multiple psychotherapeutic approaches:
I offer a free consultation, for you to see for yourself how it feels to interact with me. Request it here.